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2024-07-17 19:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

13.A She hasn't saved enough money.

14.B They are dangerous.

15.D By sharing a ride.

16.B He is a deaf person working in lT.

17.B Speech recognition technology.

18.D He can see the speakers' images.

19.D To see cheerfulcolors all around.

20.A Choosing a color because it is fashionable.

21.D Paint the wooden frameworks and walls the same color.

22.C Reading to their children is important.

23.C The number and quality of books parents read to them ininfancy.

24.A Books with specifically labeled imaged.

25.B Choose carefully what to read to their children.



Parenting brings fathers more joy than it does mothers,ac-cording to a new study...

26.K) involving

27.B) associated

28.L) noteEi

29.A) additional

30.D) cultivate

31.E) depressive

32.H) however

33.G) emotions

34.F) directly

35.I) implication



26.L) ranging

27.H) measured

28.B) certificates

29.M) relative

30.E) differences

31.O) targeting

32.C) connected

33.D) emonstrates

34.A) acknowledge

35.F) establish



Phones influence all aspects of teenage life...

26. D)constantly


28.H) nationally

29.G) inseparable

30.A) absorbed

31.L) specific32.

E) context

33.J) shape

34.C) behavior



36.C People often grant a request just because they wantto appear polite and helpful.

37.H It's no easy job learning to say “no”to opportuni-ties that were once considered worth grasping.

38.E When you decline a request,you are saving yourfuture time.

39.B People sometimes struggle to do things that aresimply a waste of time.

40.I Doing efficiently what is not worth doing is the mostuseless effort.

41.C lt is especially difficult for people to decline to dowhat their superiors ask them to do.

42.A People agree to do too many things they are in factunwilling to do.

43.G According to one famous entrepreneur,innovationmeans refusal to do an enormous numberof things.

44.D lt is an essential aspect of life to cooperate with otherpeople.

45.F Refusing a request is sometimes seen as a privilegenot enjoyed by ordinary people.


36.l) There is another depressing reality hidden within...

37.G) lf you are a low-income student who...

38.B)At my well-respected, private, four-year university...

39.D) Schools will charge you whatever they can...

40.L) Students and families must also understand..

41.A)This fall, thousands of college students...

42.J)Yes, l chose to attend an expensive university...

43.l) There is another depressing reality hidden within...

44.C) Universities today are in the business of makingmoney...

45.H) lf you plan on paying off bills in your student ac-count.....


Evil Genius

36.D) A behavior that does not conform to social norms maybe described as being deviant.

37.J) Various experiments found that participants who cheatedin the initial task performed better in the creativity test.

38.B) People may be simply considered evil if their behaviorsare morally unacceptable to us.

39.G) The research published by two scientists was intended toexamine the relationship between dishonesty and creativity.

40.A) The author's lectures sparked lively discussions in hisclass.

41. l) The researchers tested the participants’ creativity byasking them to play a word game.

42.K) It is time we realized that deviance may be capable ofdoing both good and harm to individuals and society.

43.C) The reasons for people's evil behaviors can be explainedin more ways than one.

44.H) The math task in one experiment was designed to testparticipants' tendency to cheat.

45.F) Some creativeideas have turned out to do harm tohuman society.


we're eating more fish than ever these days.

46.B) They are mostly farmed.

47.D) Expand the scale of fish-farming continuously.

48.C) lt raises more fish than caught from the wild.

49.A) lt is a must for feeding the world's fast-growing population.

50.C) Fish-farming may cause serious problems too.


In 2020,the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the World FoodProgramme (WFP)

51.D) lt is morally wrong to think helping the poor is not ourbusiness.

52.B) lt is still far from its goal despite the progress made.

53.A) The rich will become richer and the poor poorer.

54.B) By sharing expertise with peers in poverty-stricken na-tions.

55.C) Poor nations should enhance their own ability to solvetheir food shortaaes.


Passage 1

Even though we are living in an age where growing old isthought of as an inevitable misery...

46.D) Shifting people’ s perspective on aging.

47.A) He wanted to make it more pleasant for seniors.

48.D) He acted in violation of the state law.

49.C) Getting old is by no means something miserable.

50.A) lt is gaining ground in many countries.

Passage 2

Research shows that in developed countries, more affluent andeducated people...

51.B) People from different social groups vary in their dietaryhabits.

52.A) A better understanding of the relationship between socialclass and health.

53.D) They do not lack food knowledge or budgeting skills.

54.C) Enabling them to have more access to nutritious foods.

55.B) Choose diets that are both healthy and affordable.



The necessity of developing social skills for college students


Among college students, there is a heated debate over wheth-er they need to commit time and energy to developing socialskills. Many believe that such skills are not as important as thestudy of major courses,while some have the idea that devel-oping them is of great necessity.As for me, the latter is morereasonable.

There are a range of reasons accountable for my point of view.Firstly,college students with great social skills usually havemore opportunities at schools.They are more likely to be no-ticed by teachers, win some contests, and seize various oppor-tunities. Therefore,they are more confident than their class-mates who are shy and lack such skills. Moreover,when theygraduate and enter the workplace,fantastic social skills canhelp them rapidly create a good impression on their bossesand collegues,which is beneficial for the career development.Besides,in their daily life,social skills can help them makemore friends and expand social ties.

In sum, developing social skills is of great necessity for colleges tudents. Not only do these skills help them gain advantageswhen they compete with their peer groups,but also enablethem to conquer difficulties,make more friends and enrichtheir life.



the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle among college students


lt is a truth widely accepeted that a healthy lifestyle plays animportant role in college students' study and life.Without it,it would be difficult for these young people to gain advantages when they compete with their peer groups.

There are a range of reasons for my point of view. Firstly,col-lege students who live a healthy life are usually stronger andmore energetic,because they lead a regular life,have a habitof taking exercise,and pay attention to their psychological health. Therefore,these young people can meet more chal-lenges and thus have more confidence. Secondly,such lifestylehelps a lot when they graduate and enter the workplace.Healthy and positive young men can definitely create a goodimpression on their bosses,who will in turn give them moreopportunities,which is beneficial for their career develop-ment. Beside, students who lead a healthy life are more charm-ing and attractive, and people around them are fond of makingfriends with them.

ln sum, it is of great importance for college students to devel-op healthy lifestyle. In order to do so, they can make friendsmore with those who lead a regular and healthy life,and theyshould try to form good living habits,such as going to bed andgetting up early, taking exercise, and eating healthily.







the role of physical exercise in achieving success at college


with our society developing increasingly faster,people ingrowing numbers begin to realize that physical exercise plays akey role in our life, our work, and our study.But in reality, wecan see that a mass of people, especially college students, donot attach adequate importance to taking physical exercise.

Physical exercise counts in almost every stage of our life.First-ly, when a student does regular exercise at college,such asrunning on the sports field,playing badminton with class-mates, and working out at the gym, he can keep fit. Secondly,taking exercise renders students optimistic. According to previ-ous empirical research,physical exercise could help them re-lease pressure,thus leading to a positive attitude towardsstudy and work.Thirdly,in their daily life,such exercise canhelp them make more friends and expand social ties.

ln sum, taking physical exercise is of great necessity for collegestudents. Not only does it help them stay healthy, but also en-ables them to remain optimistic, make more friends and enrichtheir life.


立春(Start of Spring)在中国农历中表示春天的开始。立春之后,白天变得更长,天气也愈发温暖:万物开始复苏,大地充满生机。人们常说。一年之计在于春”,农民在这个时节开始搔种,男全年的丰收打下基础。中国人早在三千年前就己开始在立春这一天半行庆祝活动。数百年来,迎春一直是民间的重要习俗。在春暖花开的日子里,人们常常外出游玩,欣赏春天的美景。

Start of Spring marks the beginning of spring in the Chineselunar calendar. After Start of Spring, the daytime becomeslonger, the weather becomes warmer, everything starts torecover and the earth is full of vitality. lt is often said thatthe whole year's work depends on a good start in spring.Farmers start planting seeds at this time to lay the founda-tion for a good harvest in this year. The Chinese have beenholding celebration activities for Start of Spring since3,000years ago. For hundreds of years,welcoming spring hasbeen an important folk custom. During the warm days ofspring when flowers blossom, people often travel outsideand enjoy the beauty of spring.



Winter Solstice is the day with the shortest daytime and thelongest nighttime,marking the beginning of the coldesttime of a year. From this moment on, the temperature dropscontinuously, and people gradually reduce their outdoor ac-tivities.Farmers have less work in their field, mainly engag-ing themselves in the maintenance of the irrigation systemand the prevention of freezing harm to crops to prepare forthe spring sowing in the coming year.

Chinese have always been attaching so much importance toWinter Solstice that it is regarded as a festival in manyplaces,when people celebrate it in different ways. Thepeople in the north have the custom of eating jiaozi andthose in the south the tradition of eating tangyuan.


在中国农历中,立秋(Start of Autumn)意味着夏天的结束和秋天的开始,立秋带来的首先是天气的变化,气温逐渐下降。人们看到树叶开始变黄飘落时,知道秋天已经来临,这就是所谓的“一叶知秋”。但此时酷热的天气并未完全结束,高温通常还会持续一段时间,被称为“秋老虎”。立秋对农民意义重大,这时各种秋季作物迅速生长、开始成熟,收获的季节即将到来。

In the Chinese lunar calendar, Start of Autumn marks theend of summer and the beginning of autumn.The first thingthat comes with Start of Autumn is the change of weatherand the gradual drop of temperature. When people see theleaves start to fall and become yellow,they know thatautumn has come, which is the so-called "a falling leaf her-alds autumn" phenomenon.But at this time, the hot weath-er is not completely over.The high temperature usually con-tinues to exist for some time.This period is known as Indiansummer. Autumn is a time of great significance to farmers,when all Kinds of autumn crops grow rapidly and begin toripen and the harvest season is approaching.


1.A) She hasn't started writing it.

2.B)He offered them an advice on resource hunting.

3.A) He didn’t think her dissertation topic viable.

4.D) Follow the man's advice.

5.C) His books sell well worldwide.

6.C) The fact that over half of Americans are overweight.

7.D) The medical community.

8.B)Follow a personalized diet.

9.B)The growth of their new brain cells doubled.

10.A)To avoid the min the future.

11.C) Make people more susceptible to illness.

12.D) Spending too much time handling email.

13.D) Major problems may result.

14.B)Motivate and inspire their team.

15.A) Cultivate self-control.

16.D)The importance of appearance of food.

17.A)By focusing on the nutrients in different foods.

18.B)They can boost sales of healthy foods by making them vi-sually appealing.

19.C)lt has seen more small businesses offering environ-ment-friendly products.

20.A) Consumers now know much more about technology.

21.B) Writing positive comments about them on social media.

22.B)Blocking the fountains’ works.

23.C)They are mostly used for its maintenance.

24.C)lt is used to run a supermarket for the needy.

25.D)He stole a lot of money from a fountain with a magneticstick.


During the summer, when l was a visiting poet...

26.M) stifled

27.A) access

28.E) escorted

29.K) peacefully

30.G) incrediblee

31.N) struck

32.B) apparent

33.C) barely

34.l) network

35.O) terrifying


36.E) l love diverse and unique challenges.” he said.“lam definitely interested in seeing what l can handle andwhat my body can accept.

37.l) Wardian,too,hopes his involvement will give him aplatform to promote a cause.

38. D) He will line up Monday in Antarctica (北极) for thefirst leg of the World Marathon Challenge- joining 32 otheradventure seekers on an unusual journey

39.A) Too much effort and he’d begin to sweat,which, hewas told, would onlyincrease the risk of hyporthermia.

40.F) Perhaps it was the sense of adventure Donovan dis-played when they first met at the 2010 5oK Championshipsin Galway lreland,where Donovan was the race director.

41.K)“Once he decides to do something, he just works atit until he does it.

42.H) Despite his proven track record Hall said he has notime goals and that he still suffers from the same fatigueissues that forced him to leave the professional ranks in2015.

43.l) To others on the trip, simply finishing will be its ownreward.

44.C) The race for Wardian,however was less about theresult than overcoming his aversion to the cold.

45.G) Wardian started saving for the trip in 2014, connect-ing with sponsors and getting approval from his wife.



46.What does the author say about the pursuit of work-re-lated self-esteem?

A) lt may result in negative motivation.

47. What do employees tend to do in pursuing work-relatedself-esteem?

B) Strive to succeed at the expense of their well- being.

48. What do we learn about people over- concerned withwork-related self-esteem?

B)They cannot enjoy their personal life to the full.

49. What is the good news we learn from the recent re-search?

A) The pursuit of goals may turn out to be enjoyable andpleasant.

50. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

D) People feel positive about their work as long as they aremotivated.



51. What is the major finding of the UN environmental study?

B) Humans are doing more damage to the earth than it cancope with.

52.What is said about water scarcity in some of the poorest re-gions?

C) lt can hardly be relieved if no drastic measures are taken.

53.What does Achim Steiner say about the environmental con-dition?

A) lt will deteriorate worldwide.

54. What is the dilemma developing countries face?

C) They cannot boost crop yields without causing greenhousegas emissions.

55. What should developing countries do in their future devel-opment according to the passage?

D) They improve people’s livelihood without harming the en-vironment.


Today,increasing importance is being attached to cultivatingcollege students’team spirit. Many people believe that teamspirit benefits not only themselves but also the whole group,while others have the idea that it is more important to focuson finishing one's own job.As for me,the former is morereasonable.

There are a variety of reasons accountable for my statement.Firstly,college students with team spirit generally have betteracademic performance, because they tend to contribute to theteam,learn from other team members, and are generallymodest and patient. Moreover, when college students graduateand enter the workplace,those with strong team spirit aremore likely to create a good impression on their colleaguesand bosses than those who just intend to finish their own job.Therefore,these team players can climb up the ladder morequickly.Besides, in our daily life, young people who have suchstrength are caring, warm, and considerate; who do not fancymaking friends with them?

In sum, we, as college students,ought to attach more impor-tance to cultivating our team spirit. In order to do so, we aresupposed to open up ourselves more,seize every opportuni-ties to collaborate with others to achieve a goal, and try tolearn from our peers who have such virtue.





ln an era of information explosion,there is a heated debateover whether we need to develop criticality and make rationaljudgement. Some prefer following suit,whereas others havethe idea that thinking critically is of great necessity. As for me,the latter is more reasonable.

There are a range of reasons accountable for my point of view.Firstly, college students showing more critique usually makebetter decisions.They learn to differentiate useful informationfrom various sources rather than accepting all without consid-eration.Therefore,they can draw a relatively comprehensiveconclusion and make the best choice based on the informationas well as their condition. Moreover,when they graduate andenter the workplace,the ability to think critically can helpthem assess if the position is suitable for themselves. A suit-able job,rather than a position simply with high salary,is achannel for an employee to realize the potential. Besides,intheir daily life,critical thinking enables them to select betterfriends and expand social ties.

ln sum, thinking critically is of great necessity for college stu-dents. It not only helps them to gain advantages in the compe-tition with peer groups, but also allows them to select an ap-propriate start of the career and establish more positivefriendship with others.


With our society developing increasingly faster,people ingrowing numbers begin to realize that information technologyplays a key role in education. Applying the state-of-the-arttechnology like online flatforms and smart classrooms rendersteaching and learning more diverse and effective.

There are a range of reasons accountable for my point of view.Firstly,information technology can alter college students'learning mode.Compared with face-to-face classrooms,onlineteaching is more cost-effective,especially for those who livein the rural areas. Secondly, more freedom will be given to stu-dents.They can express their points of view through the onlinechat box in an anonymous way.Thirdly, they will pay more at-tention to autonomous learning with the help of various tools.

ln sum,information technology is of great necessity in educa-tion. Not only does it help them enhance learning mode,butalso enables to give them more freedom and enrich their life.


黄土高原(the Loess Plateau)是中国第三大高原,面积约60万平方公里,平均海拔1000-2000米,绝大部分覆盖着50-80米厚的黄土,是世界上黄土分布最集中、覆盖厚度最大的区域。这是大自然创造的一个奇迹,在世界上也是绝无仅有的。


The Loess Plateau, the third largest plateau in China, coversan area of 600,0o0 square kilometres and rises 1,000-2,000metres above the se level on average.As the majority of theplateau is covered with 5o-80 metre thick layer of loess,itis the most concentrated area in loess distribution in theworld.Therefore, it is well recognized as a miracle createdby the nature and the unique one on this planet.

The Loess Plateau is one of the cradles of the Chinesenation where Chinese began farming 5,500 years ago. Withthe continuous development of agriculture, the populationkept increasing on the plateau,which became the politicaland economic centre of China in the Han Dynasty. Today,with the Western Development strategy implemented,theeconomy of the Loess Plateau area is developing rapidly.


云贵高原(the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau)大部分位于云南,贵州省境内,总面积约50万平方公里,平均海拔2000-40o0米,是中国第四大高原。云贵高原西高东低,河流众多,形成了许多又深又陡的峡谷(canyon)。峡谷中许多地方土壤肥沃,非常有利于多钟农作物生长。


The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, located mostly in Yunan Prov-ince and Guizhou Province, is the fourth largest plateau inChina which covers a total area of 0.5 million square kilome-tres and rises 2,00O-4,000 metres above the sea level onaverage. The plateau slopes from the west to the east withmany rivers flowing through,gradually forming a lot ofsteep canyons where there are fertile lands which benefitthe growth of many crops.

The unique natural environment of the plateau contributesto great biological and cultural diversity. lt is well recog-nized as both an area rich in forest and mineral resourcesand an important human cradle. lt is also the region withthe most minority peoples in China,where their colourfulcultural traditions are well preserved.


青藏高原(the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau)位于中国西南部,面积约230万平方公里,平均海拔4000米以上,被称为“世界屋脊”。青藏高原自然资源丰富,风景秀丽,拥有多种珍稀野生动物。



The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,located in southwest China,covers an area of 2.3 million square kilometres and risesover 4,000 metres above the sea level,thus enjoying thereputation as "the world roof”. The plateau boasts abun-dant natural resources,many rare wild animals and pictur-esque views.

The plateau features a large area of high mountains and gla-ciers due to the low temperature and the origin of manywell-known Asian rivers which are well recognized as themajor providers of fresh water for China and southeastAsian countries. Therefore, the plateau plays a key role inthe global eco-system. Owing to the impact of climatechange, the glaciers here are melting more quickly. The Chi-nese government has been endeavouring to conserve theeco-system here, gradually increasing the fraction of greencoverage and effectively protecting many endangered spe-cies.






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